Past Grants Awarded
The following contains a list of past grants from our organization's inception in 1994 to the present day. Since our inception, we have awarded over $1 Million dollars in grant & scholarship award monies. We can't wait to continue our grant, scholarship, and endowment initiatives to improve the community of Bethel Park for citizens and community organizations.
$3,800 - Bethel Park Recreation Department Farmers Market Advertising (Title Sponsor)
$2,500 - Bethel Park Lions Club Grant - Kitchen & Pavilion Maintenance
$500 - TreeHaven Gardening Club - horticulture community education initiative.
$10,000 - Tri-Community South EMS - Turn Out Protective Gear Grant
$5,500 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$1,000 - BP STARS Prom
$3,000 - BP Park Avenue Playground for Inclusive Playground Equipment
$500 - BPHS Interact Club Grant - Promotional Canopy Tent
$2,500 - South Arts Pittsburgh Art Enrichment Grant
$12,288 - Bethel Park Volunteer Fire Department - Fire Safety New Machine for Fire Education
$5,500 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$500 - Bethel Park High School Best Buddy Grant
$2,200 - Bethel Park High School Co-Op Grant
$26,000 - Scholarships awarded by the BPCF
$1,003 - Bethel Park School District TEAM Grant
$1,598 - Bethel Park High School cc router Grant
$150 - Bethel Park Historical Society - Wreaths Across America Project
$5,000 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$2,250 - Bethel Park High School PACS Speaker
$9,500 - Scholarships awarded by the BPCF
$500 - Thomas - Boy Scout Eagle Project
$6,450 - Bethel Park Lions Club Grant
$500 - Donihi - Boy Scout Eagle Project
$450 - Wruble Boy Scout Eagle Project
$1,402 - BP Recreation Farmer's Market
$10,000 - Bethel Park Historical Society Relocation & Restoration of Flag Pole
$21,300 - South Park Theater Landscaping & Paving Project
$5,000 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$500 - Bethel Park Historical Society "Trees along Park Ave. " Grant
$15,000 - BP Community Center "Quiet Area"
$465 - William Penn Elementary School Career Fair
$10,500 - Scholarships awarded by the BPCF
$250 - Blockin - Boy scout Eagle Project
$25,000 - Bethel Park Public Library Grant
$5,000 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$3,000 - Grant Award to BPHS Forensic Team "Speak Out" Program
$1,000 - Grant Award South Park Theater Group
$500 - Grant Award to BP Outdoorsmen for Special Need Kids Day
$6,032 - Assisted in the funding of traffics camera for BPPD
$320 - Grant Award to BPHS DECA for Presentation Blazers
$100 - Grant Award to BP Veteran Memorial
$10,700 - Grant Award to help fund new ramp to Montour Trail
$250 - Grant Award to BP Library - Murdoch Fund
$250 - Grant Award to BPPD Meritorious Award from Murdoch Fund
$250 - Grant Award to BP Historical Society renovation Murdoch Fund
$250 - Grant Award to TCS EMS Murdoch Fund
$50 - Grand Award Trolley Beatification
$263 - Grant Award to BPHS FCCLA for baking equipment
$20,000 - Grant Award to BP Historical Society for renovation of auditorium
$15,000 - Grant Award to BP Community Center for fixtures for new "Quiet Area"
$500 - Grant Award to fund Girl Scout Gold Award Project Bird & Bats Houses
$5,200 - Grant Award to replace the bell at the entrance of BP High School
$5,400 - Grant Award to Tri-Community South E.M.S. for Safety/ CRIT Apparel
$5,400 - Grant Award to Bethel Park Volunteer Fire Co. for Safety /CRIT Apparel
$2,053 - Grant to BPHS Stage Crew for monitors
$730 - Grant Award to BPHS FCCLA Club for presentation blazers
$5,125 - Grant Award to School Nurses for School Triage Training
$12,000 - Assisted with funds for traffic cameras for BPPD
$904 - Grant Award for Memorial Elementary Music Stands
$1,340 - Assisted with Funds for training for BPPD K-9 Jees
$7,200 - Grant Award for BPTV for new LED Studio lights
$25,000 - Grant Award to the Blackhawk Relief Fund for mold remediation products
$2,500 - Grant Award for BP Rec . Dep. for July 4th activities
$4,500 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$350 - BP Girl's Softball Assoc. Grant Award for Concession stand
$350 - Grant Award to BP Varsity Cross County Team for Side Tents
$350 - Grant Awarded to fund Eagle Scout Project Shelter of Montour Trail
$225 - Grant Award to fund Girl Scout Gold Award - Recycle awareness
$200 - Grant Award to fund Girl Scout Gold Award - Wm. Penn Friendship Bench
$5,000 - Grant Award to the BP Historical Society Renovation
$3,500 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$2,950 - Grant Award to fund upgrades at Simons Park Volleyball court
$350 - Grant Award to BPPD K-9 Training
$15,000 - Assisted with funds for traffic cameras for BP Police Department
$500 - BP Veteran Memorial Landscaping improvements
$1,000 - BP Rec. Dept. to help fund July 4th activities
$500 - Grant Award to BP Library to fund the "Growing a Better World" project
$357 - Grant Award to purchase a special transport K-9 cage for Jeez
$4,000 - Grant Award to Tri-Community South EMS for training mannequins and tourniquets
$350 - Grant Award to BP Varsity Cross County Team for Side Tents
$8,448 - Facilitated a Grant to BP Volunteer Fire Company to purchase 330 CO/Smoke Detectors
$350 - Grant Award to the Harmony Singers for music and performance assistance.
$1,000 - Bethel Park Library for "Pop Library' Project
$350 - Grant Award to fund Eagle Scout Project Landscaping Improvement
$350 - BPHS DECA club for marketing project
$15,000 - Administrative fund to acquire new BPPD K-9 Jeez
$10,000 - Grant Award for help purchase new fitness equipment at the new BPVFC Station
$350 - Grant Award to Pathfinder School for Special Needs Expo.
$250 - BP Veteran Memorial Grant Award - Murdoch Fund
$250 - Tri-Community South EMS Grant Award Murdoch Fund
$500 - BP Public Library Murdoch Fund
$2,500 - Grant Award to purchase a special transport K-9 cage for Jeez
$2,850 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$300 - BP Rec. Dept. Grant Award for Rev up for the Kids
$350 - Grant Award to fund Eagle Scout Project Reading Train/Library
$320 - BP Rec. Dept. Grant Award to purchase tables at BP Farmer's Market
$2,100 - Grant Award to BPPD K-9/Animal encounter class
$4,000 - PrimeTime Adult Care Center - Commercial Dish Washer
$1,895 - TCS EMS - Grant Award for C02 Monitors
$1,500 - Grant Award BPPD physical interaction training
$350 - Grant Award for BP Girls Soft Pitch softball fro field equipment
$350 - Grant Award to the Harmony Singers for music and performance assist.
$3,841 - Grant Award to BPPD for Halloween safety lights
$5,000 - Grant Award to BP Historical Society renovation work
$6,500 - Grant Award to BPVFC for location finder iPads for each truck
$500 - Grant Award to fund Eagle Scout Project "Puppet Tree" Storage/ Library
$4,000 - BPSD "Rachael's Challenge" series of presentations on anti-bullying
$350 - Grant Award to BP Girls Slow Pitch Softball remote control for the scoreboard
$3,178 - Grant Award to Tri-Community South for patient lifting devices
$350 - Grant Award to fund Eagle Scout Project " Troop Appreciation"
$2,850 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$350 - Grant Awarded to BP Girls Middle School Lacrosse Team for equipment storage
$4,130 - Grant Award to BP Community Center for new folding tables
$859 - BPHS DECA club for new presentation blazers
$8,300 - Grant Award to BP Community Center for new lobby furniture
$2,700 - BP Recreation Department & Library for Town Hall Speaker Series
$2,700 - Dean Streator Concert Series
$3,000 - Grant Award to Bethel Park Athletic Hall of Fame new display case
$5,902 - Grant Award to start the Anna Mae & Samuel Richards on Community Garden
$1,250 - Grant Award to Bethel Park High School Blackhawk TV production
$4,130 - Grant Award to Bethel Park Community Center for 20 new tables
$1,012 - Marine Corp Grant
$2,000 - Independence Middle School BOLD/GOLD Program Grant
$3,931 - Southeastern Performance Apparel for Top 21 Grant
$7,500 - Buch Electrical / BP Jr. Football Grant Park Avenue Field
$505 - Dance Sophisticates - Top 21 Grant
$600 - Pittsburgh CLO - Bethel Park School District Music Grant
$2,206 - Hopetown Music Bethel Park School District Music Grant
$4,647 - Johnstonbaugh Music Center BPSD Music Grant
$3,000 - Bethel Park Community Foundation for a new hall - Murdoch Fund
$1,000 - Bethel Park Historical Society - Murdoch Fund
$5,034 - Evey True Value Hardware 16 - 60" tables for the BP Community Center
$2,424 - Historical Society School House Roof
$1,820 - Pathfinder School Grant
$1,000 - South Park Theater Grant
$2,000 - Simmons Park Memorial Volleyball Court
$1,000 - Bethel Park Public Library Summer Reading Program
$3,100 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$1,999 - Custom Audio PA System for Bethel Park Community Center
$2,576 - Instant Electric CO - Bethel Park Historical Society Grant Award
$1,000 - Bethel Park Public Library - Murdoch Fund
$1,000 - Bethel Park Police Department Police Pals - Murdoch Fund
$1,000 - South Park Theater
$2,800 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$6,000 - Bethel Park Police Department Strobe Lights
$2,500 - Pethel Park Public Library
$7,500 - Bethel Park High School Baseball Booster Dugouts
$2,089 - Municipality of Bethel Park Sports Banners
$5,000 - Bethel Park Presbyterian Church Grant by Murdoch Fund
$2,500 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$1,500 - Bethel Park Student Council China Exchange
$1,000 - Bethel Park Global Education Fund China Delegate Dinner
$1,083 - Municipality of Bethel Park Banner Grant
$5,498 - Bethel Park High School Sound Board Grant
$1,500 - National Honor Society Grant Parallel Parking Space
$4,200 - William Penn Elementary School Playground Equipment
$2,000 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$2,500 - PRIDE of Bethel Park speaker assemblies at the Bethel Park High School
$5,000 - Bethel Park Volunteer Fire Company Grant towards the radio system
$1,500 - South Hills Pittsburgh Marine Corps Grant Award
$1,000 - Grant Award to PrimeTime Adult Care Center
$2,600 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$1,000 - Bethel Park High School Band Boosters Grant Award towards Boston Brass
$3,750 - Bethel Park Recreation Department towards 25 Ez Up Tents
$15,000 - Bethel Park Veteran Memorial Grant Award - Murdoch Fund
$8,031 - Grant Award towards Bethel Park Jr. Football Field Improvements
$2,650 - Grant Award towards Bethel Park School District - China Exchange
$2,658 - Boy Scout Troop 215 Equipment Replacement for Summer Camp
$2,680 - Grant Award towards Simon's Park Flag Plaza Renovation
$2,100 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$25,000 - Eric S. Horrath Foundation - towards a new Bethel Park High School scoreboard
$5,000 - Grant Award for 2006 Pennsylvania Association of Student Councils State Conference
$8,254 - Bethel Park Girl's Softball Association Grant Award for Miner's Field Renovation
$6,429 - Grant Award to St. Valentine School AV Upgrades
$2,000 - Grant Award Senior Citizen Computer Class
$5,000 - Bethel Park School District Drug Awareness Motivation Speaker Grant Award
$2,000 - Municipality of Bethel Park - Police Grant Enradd System
$1,898 - Municipality of Bethel Park Banners
$2,100 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$2,000 - Tri-Community South EMS Grant Award (new beds & appliances for their facility)
$7,500 - Bethel Baseball Association Grant Award towards Purkey Field Bleachers
$7,000 - Independence Middle School (BOLD/GOLD Program)
$10,000 - Bethel Park Public Library Grant
$1,336 - Independence Middle School World Savers Grant Awards
$2,750 - Student Government Spring Conference Grant Award
$2,000 - Bethel Park Community Center Grant for Sound Acoustic Improvements
$1,500 - Bethel Park Recreation Department Grant for NAMS JAMS events
$2,100 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$6,452 - Bethel Park High School Stage Crew - Bethel Park High School Activities Fund
$5,000 - Bethel Park Public Library Grant Award
$500 - South Hills Interfaith Ministry Grant Award
$4,400 - Bethel Park School District China Exchange Grant Award
$2,295 - Municipality of Bethel Park Banners
$5,500 - ID Ville Photo Bethel Park Police Department - grant funds towards child ID equipment
$1,000 - Tower Concert Honorariums
$3,000 - Grants toward tents for the Municipality & Bethel Park Recreation Department
$25 - Bethel Park Community Coalition
$1,000 - Bethel Park Sister School Grant Award
$750 - Simmons Park Revitalization
$1,350 - Bethel Park High School Choir Activities Fund
$3,296 - Grant towards the Bethel Park Teen Center
$3,595 - Trolley Beautification for Bethel Park
$25 - Montour Trail
$26 - Bethel Park Public Library
$539 - Bethel Park Activities
$1,000 - Bethel Park Swim Team
1994 & 1995:
$300,000 - Construction of the Bethel Park Community Foundation
$50,000 - Gymnasium addition to the Bethel Park Community Foundation